About the CPR-Sierra
About the Project
Ways to Help
Team Visits
Contact Us
Links & Further Research
News from the CPR
Sponsor Health Care in a Community
Sponsor Project work in one of the CPR's 18 rural communities, covering Project health costs for that community for a year or longer--incentive payments to the communty's own volunteer health workers, plus monies for travel for people who can't be treated in the community, for special health needs, and for supplemental medicines and materials. Depending upon community size, annual costs range from $900 to over $3,000. Plan with the Project Coordinator to visit "your" community if possible. Denver Justice and Peace Committee has sustained this relationship with resettlement community Tesorito, Patulul, Suchitepequez, for two years now, through a project they call "Promesa."
Join a Team
Help courier supplies from the U.S., observe, record community data, collaborate with local health workers, engage in cultural exchange. Learn more at our Team Visits page.
Donate low-tech medical supplies and medicines for teams to deliver
Space / weight restrictions limit what we can carry from the U.S., so funds for low-cost in-country purchases are welcome. There is ongoing need for high-quality prenatal vitamins with minerals, adult and children's vitamins with minerals, AccuCheck Advantage glucose test strips, analgesics for children and adults, ranitidine, the latest edition of Donde No Hay Doctor, antibiotic and anti-fungal skin cream, ophthalmic erythromycin, very basic antibiotics, foley catheters (#16 especially), urine strips, BASIC midwifery supplies, and pregnancy tests. The teams welcome your donations of Cipro. Anti-parasitic medicines are usually better purchased in Guatemala, but we will happily accept metrodinazol, mebendazol, and albendazol if easily available. The CPR-Sierra lead health team is also requesting acupuncture needles, as they reintroduce alternative medicines and practices they used during the armed conflict.
Make a tax-deductible donation payable to St. Michael's Guatemala Project
Mail it to St. Michael's Guatemala Project, St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church, 602 N. Wilmot Rd., Tucson, AZ 85711.
Buy Project Merchandise
Buy color postcards ($7 for 10 cards, 5 designs) and send them to friends. Ask us about Mayan textiles and other gifts we bring back.
Inquire about other ways to help
Email Ila Abernathy, Program Coordinator, at ilaa@mindspring.com